Get it right, right away. Your data, your way!


When it comes to data extraction services, LeadsProspex is well versed with the tricks of the trade. We provide accurate, verified, reliable, and relevant data that can help you gain business intelligence that facilitates effective decision-making

With our data extraction services, it becomes easy for you to extract critical data related to competitors, business contact details, new products, pricing, market trends, and much more. Our Expert data extraction professionals are capable of capturing content from websites, social media, enterprise data, CRM, blogs, forums, job portals, etc.

data extraction leadsprospex


data extraction

Data is the most valuable asset today! Some may even call it the “oil” of the digital world. Data gives you the ability to know your customers and how you can serve them better. It also enables you to understand your own business processes more deeply, so you can make them as productive as possible.

To do that, you need to recognize your data and uncover patterns, trends, and insights hidden within. Data extraction is the first stage of this process. Most companies have data spread out across many different sources, like CRM systems, spreadsheets, and financial records. This is where data extraction comes in, it’s all about getting the data out of these sources and into an analytics tool that can convert it into insights, reports, and predictions.



Document and PDF Data Extracting

We have the required tools and techniques to search through PDFs and documents to supply clients with accurate and reliable data. We can remove critical and pertinent information for your business and provide exact services within a short turnaround time.

Web Data Extracting Services

LeadsProspex is able to harness an effective codified and rule-based process for data extraction to extract data from the web. Our team will assist you with reliable and error-free data extraction solutions in a short time.

Multi-source Data Extracting

Our team of extraction specialists can use automated technologies and software to extract data from different sources such as excel sheets, PDFs, HTML, SQL, web images, databases, etc. to provide our customers with the best quality services available in the market.

Database Extraction Services

Data extraction from large databases can be tedious and time-consuming. Our team harnesses our scripts’ power in order to browse through massive databases such as indexes, fields tables, and more. to provide customers with precise and reliable information to run their businesses.

Meta Data Extraction Services

Having the relevant metadata is where you want to be, how do you get there? Let LeadsProspex extract the meta title, keywords, and texts that will lead you to the information you need. We will provide the information quickly and accurately.

Data Extraction from Online Marketplace

Our expert team of data extraction manually scrapes data from online marketplaces. They can also use automated softwares to extract massive amounts of databases to provide the best quality to our customers.

Word Data Extraction

Our certified professionals are able to analyze and extract data from large texts that are stored in databases, printed materials as well as Microsoft Word. Medical and scientific research, financial transaction data, legal issues, are some of the industries we have catered to.

Excel Data Extraction

As an experienced service provider, We have a skilled team of experts who can create a brand excel database that is either new or existing and then apply various designs and calculations. This can be used by businesses for their financial and business planning.

Image Data Extraction

LeadsProspex’s services for image data extraction let clients retrieve pictures and analyze them using various data sources. We’ve assisted customers with services related to real estate reviewing medical images, tag analysis and the analysis of maps, investigations into criminals, weather forecasting, geosciences and many others.

Jobs Data Extraction

Occasionally, pull job listing feeds from thousands of company careers websites, across a variety of industries, to create your job boards. Enhance your strategies for recruiting talent further by searching for as well as analyzing feeds for jobs as well as information on compensation from the most prominent job sites.

Companies and Business Leaders

Get contact information of businesses and business leaders from business directories online as well as other websites to be used to generate leads for sales and marketing.

Funding Data Extraction

Our investment data feed services provide you with access to fund information you require when you require it. Furthermore, we gather the fund data we collect directly from the source which means we are sure that the data is current as well as accurate and consistent.



The process of data extraction procedure involves the retrieval of data from different sources. It is also the process of reshaping unstructured or semi-structured data into systematic structured data. Most often companies extract data to further process it or transfer the data to an information repository (such as the data warehouse or data lake) and to further analyze the data. For instance, you might need to run calculations on the data, like the aggregation of sales data, and store the outcomes in your data warehouse. If you’re extracting data to be stored in a warehouse for data storage, it is possible to add additional metadata or enhance the data by adding timestamps or geolocation information.In the end, you may like to integrate your data in conjunction with the other information in the data store you want to target. 


We all know how important data in business is. But data won’t be of much help if we cannot use it efficiently to our benefit. Data extraction is an essential task to automate the collection of structured data for using them in further analysis. It provides data from numerous sources like websites, invoices, forms, emails, documents, PDF files, or contracts. The top benefits that come with data extraction are as follows:


Better Decision-Making

Data extraction enables you to extract meaningful information concealed inside the unstructured data sources that helps you to bend more towards data-driven decision-making processes. 

Boost Productivity

The data extraction would save employees from a lot of manual tasks and help them to focus on their other main duties. This will help them with their efficiency and productivity and also prevent them from being distracted.

Reduction of Human-Errors

There is a risk when an employee manually enters the information stored in documents resulting in errors due to missing/incorrect information, and duplicates. Automation can terminate a number of human-errors that are brought about by oversight.

Cost Savings

Even if the initial investment in data extraction may feel intimidating, the cost savings through productivity improvements and time savings will more than make up for it.

Faster Processes

Automation is without a doubt faster than manual extraction of data.  Time is money and a moment saved could be a moment earned in financial terms.


Data extraction systems provide scope for augment of the business without worrying about the volumes of data that would correspondingly be scaled.


The importance of Data Extraction should not be ignored as it is an essential part of the data workflow that reorganizes raw data into competitive insights that can have a real bearing on a company’s bottom line. Any successful data project first has to get the data portion of the project right as flawed or faulty data can only lead to incorrect results regardless of how well-designed the data modeling techniques may be. 
The Data Extraction process usually shapes raw data that may be scattered and clumsy into a more useful, definite form that can be used for further analysis. Data Extraction unfolds analytics to new sources of data through which information could be gleaned. 
Without Data Extraction, data from web pages, social media feeds, video content, etc., will be out of reach for further analysis. The data derived from online and other sources can be used to gain a competitive advantage through sentiment analysis, gauging user preferences, churn analysis, etc. Thus, it means that any serious data operation has to fine-tune the Data Extraction component to maximize the chances of a beneficial outcome.


The way you go about extracting data entirely depends on what kind of data you’re working with. The less sort the data is, the more sources you need to pull it from, and the more compound the extraction process will be.

The common types of data your company might want to analyze include: 

Data on customers’ behavior, needs, and preferences. 

Financial data, like purchasing patterns or sales.

Data on operations and processes.

No matter what kind of data is being extracted, it falls into below two wide categories:

Unstructured Data

Unstructured data is any information that is not in an organized form within a database. This might include text information like documents, messages, social media content, numerical information, or even satellite images. 

While extracting unstructured data, most of the hard work goes into preparation. There’s generally more cleaning to be done with unstructured data that includes finding duplicated or missing values and formatting the data so it’s constant across the board.

Even if your data is structured or unstructured, the goal of extraction is usually to feed the data into a business intelligence tool that will generate reports, predictions, and analytics.

Structured Data

Structured data is much simpler to extract compared to unstructured data. This type of data is already clean, uniform, and arranged according to a set pattern. You might find structured data in something like an affiliated database. Structured data can be extracted all at once or in a step-by-step process. While there are benefits to extracting all your structured data at once, it can take a lot of organizing and processing power.

That’s why step-by-step extraction might be a better choice. In this method, the data is transferred to the new system whenever it changes, some databases even have the capacity to do this automatically. These two extraction methods can also work well together, by extracting all the data at once, then keeping it up-to-date through step-by-step extraction. 


High Volume of Data Handling

We are currently processing one million points of data per hour, and are ready for more. We are capable of dealing with data of any size and complexity. The size of our company is not a limitation to our scrape business.

Fastest Turnaround Time

We offer unbeatable speed in data extraction and we are proud of our speedy turnarounds. We respect your time and adhere to the timeframe you specify.

Dedicated Account Manager

We adhere to one project, one policy, and one manager and live-streamed interaction is available all hours of the day. The manager handles all of your data extraction requirements and schedules, runs, arranges, and adjusts to changes in the demand for data extraction.

Managed Data Extraction Services

We manage all aspects of data extraction requirements for websites, from constructing and maintaining crawlers to generating thorough and clean data as well as making custom alerts to ensure that the correct data is provided.


Why should I outsource the data extraction to LeadsProspex?
With a group of skilled professionals, we can help in the management and extraction of pertinent information from raw files of every size within the timeframe you have set. We assist businesses in solving complex problems by using our query tools, by speaking with the concerned person directly,  or by advanced methods of data extraction. You can count on us for speed and precision and we will not disappoint you!
How do you ensure data security?
We understand that the privacy and security of data are of paramount importance to companies. Our staff adheres to stringent data security procedures and only authorized employees are able to access the information. We operate conforming to industry standards and abide by all laws relating to data, including GDPR, PII, HIPAA, etc. In order to prevent any legal infringements. 
What are the industries you cater to?
Our data specialists have extensive knowledge of data extraction across various sectors and verticals, including mortgage, real estate, and finance, market research and academics, as well as legal and many more. We’ve been working with a variety of B2B and B2C clients from all over the world.
Can data extraction be performed in-house?
The process of data extraction is a draining process, but it’s essential for businesses to be successful in the highly competitive market. It assists stakeholders in staying up-to-date with current market developments, spot patterns, identifying relationships, and predicting trends in order to make more informed business decisions. It also provides the basis of data analysis and processing. Additionally, inaccurate results can hinder businesses from reaching their intended goals.

Instead, engaging in professional data extraction is a great option! It’s not just an economical option, but it also assists businesses in getting the necessary information within the timeframes they have set. We at LeadsProspex have the ideal mix of knowledge and expertise to complete tasks in data extraction for you.

Instead, engaging in professional data extraction services is a smart way out! This is not only a cost-effective option but also helps businesses get essential data in a timely manner. We, at LeadsProspex, have the right blend of skills and experience to perform data extraction tasks for you. Our professionals leverage Avant-grade tools for data extraction and creating big databases of information for modeling, perfect for businesses of all sizes.

In which format will you deliver the output?
We can provide the output in the format you require. Here are a few formats we provide the information:





Excel (XLS)



What are your service offerings?
As one of the longest operating players in the business our offerings of services comprises web-based data extraction as well as Social media data extraction SQL data extraction Excel extraction of data and image data extraction word data extraction, as well as PDF extraction of data — all under one roof.


We receive amazing feedback from our customers all of the time, and we have hundreds of positive reviews online. Check out what some of them had to say:

Rashaun Roulhac, RLR Studios

Rashaun Roulhac, Manager

“Murtaza was awesome to work with. He provided me with an awesome list in a timely manner!”

Annkur P A, Co-founder

“Reliable folks, great service. The team is literally ready to help 24×7 and very proactive with any questions we have.”

Steven Martinez, CEO

“Murtaza works quickly and efficiently. Would recommend him to anyone who is looking for lead data.”


24/7 Award Winning Support

We are committed to providing exceptional customer support. All of our email support technicians are highly trained and will be able to assist you with …

120% Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you are not happy with our work in a week, we pay 100% back plus 20% for all the hassle. Simple for you. Simple for us, just contact us now and get started.


Our founder has been featured on Forbes for his work
Covered by ViralNews in May 2016 when our work went viral.
We were featured on Entrepreneur for our work on UpWork’s pricing policy.
Our data mining hack was featured on TechPanda and was tagged as one of Linkedin biggest bug.

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