How We Work

Our 5-stage Process (Agile methodology)

At LeadsProspex we sincerely follow our unique process to provide top-notch quality to our clients. This process helps us to ensure the smooth workflow and precise fulfillment of your project in a timely manner.

1. Establishing Contact:

The moment you decide to get in touch with us it’s an endeavor for us to serve you with the best possible quality. We go ahead and schedule a call/video call with you to help ourselves understand your requirements.

You fill the inquiry form.

The sales team calls or Emails you (Skype/In-Person or Phone meeting)

2. Requirement Analysis:

Once we receive the information from you explaining your requirement we start with the project. Very first thing is to discuss the project internally at LeadsProspex followed by generating a project estimate, running a sample project & ultimately seeking your approval for a go-ahead.

High-level understanding of your requirements.

Ballpark estimate (as possible)

Approval to go ahead.

Detailed understanding of your requirements.

Execute a pilot project (Mostly unbilled and only if required)

3. Pricing and Contracting:

The next step is to legalize the project with you. This will include presenting our proposal, agreeing upon financial aspects & ultimately signing on to a contract.

A proposal where required.

Confirm Pricing.

Contracting & SLA sign-off.

4. Project Initiation:

This step includes internal training & a quick start-off session at LeadsProspex. We complete a predetermined percentage of work & present it to you for further approval.

Resource deployment & training.

Project kick-off meeting.

5. Project Steady State:

We ensure running the project at a steady pace without any lags. Also, we keep you posted on regular project updates.

Project execution & management.

On-going reporting & feedback (Cloud)


Zoho Address Appending Solution

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