When it comes to digital marketing, email is one of the most effective and lucrative methods. Its reach and viral potential is incredible and can earn a significant number of leads for your business.


The success of email marketing lies in the list of subscribers you have to send emails to. This list must be authentic and relevant to ensure that your efforts and investments in sending emails and connecting with potential clients yield promising returns. Including a lack of knowledge and time, many challenges can impede your quest for a quality email list. Oftentimes companies have the list but lack of email verification results in wasted efforts. 


Fortunately, there are tried and tested ways to acquire and build a powerful high-quality email list that promises high returns for your business. We present a comprehensive guide to help you in the process.


Capitalizing on your relationships


Often entrepreneurs overlook the power of their existing acquaintances when making a contact list for email marketing. You can draw remarkable benefits by connecting with your colleagues, friends, and any other association and relation you have. This is the easiest way that give you the prospects list with email data validation already done.

To draw maximum benefits make sure that you contact only the people you know and not any random Facebook friend. Convey effectively how your content can benefit them and their friends. It is good to be a little vulnerable and share your story and feelings with conviction.


Ask your acquaintances


If you are making the email list from scratch, leveraging your network will give you visible steady growth. Clearly state to them the purpose of your emails and the benefits they can gain from them. You can ask them whether they know someone who might be interested in your focus area and utilize this information as well. Getting information from reliable trusted sources saves you plenty of spending on data verification.


Ask your prospects and clients


When you are done exploring your personal contacts, it’s time to move on to the existing customers. These are the people who belong to your field and will be the right target for your email campaign. You can personally verbally request your customers and prospective clients to sign up for your email. You can tell them about direct perks such as free templates or ebooks, instant offer notification, etc to entice them into signing up.


Utilize emails from email signature


It is a common observation that the email contacts you use every day are often not on your business email list. Despite this fact, they can serve as promising prospects to request an email sign-up. You can add a link to the landing page or form or an attractive call-for-action in your email signature that goes to these contacts. This method may not give you a large number of emails but is a good passive way to keep extending your list.


Push forwards and shares


For marketing, nothing works as word-of-mouth does. Email marketing is an effective way to convey the same to your subscribers. There is a great possibility that people who are already invested with you know others who would also benefit from your content. Encourage your current subscribers to forward and share your emails with their contacts. Include a share/forward button on your email to make the task easier and encouraging.


Try snail mail postcards


It is an indirect yet popular way used by several email appending services. If you have clients that are not connected online, you can send them a personalized postcard with free offers and a website link. It is an effective way to draw them to your website where they get their takeaway by filling a form, leaving you a verified email contact.


Realize the benefits of your website


The website is the face of your business and is also the biggest tool to attract clients. For that reason, continuous website improvement to keep it aligned with your marketing strategies is imperative to business growth. 


Try freebies offerings


Freebies or the lead magnets seldom fail to attract your potential customers. With a quick brief description of your business and your expertise, you can offer free newsletters, templates that are downloadable from the email list. A relevant gift will give the last necessary push to the prospect that is already on the fence.


Create a form on your website


Your website is often the first point of interaction with your potential customers. They may end up on different pages while coming from varied sources. Make sure that you have a signup form on every page to make it convenient for the users and effective data appending to your list.


Optimize the placement of the form


Use multiple templates to test the visibility of the form. On blogs, sidebars, and the middle of the post are more attractive positions than the end. Keep the placement consistent and easy to find on all web pages.


Strategically formulate the form message and information you are asking for


It is important to let the new subscribers know what they can expect by signing up. It can be rude to ask for all information upfront as users may be reluctant to share everything at once. However, you can design the form smartly to capture the information necessary to personalize your emails.


Play with pop-ups


Many people consider pop-ups annoying to website visitors. However, these can be effective tools if used smartly. Instead of placing full-page pop-ups on every page that blocks the rest of the content, you can place one at the bottom. Make this pop-up sticky so that it is visible all the time when the page is scrolled.


Attract users through incentives


Offering incentives at the end of every purchase is a great way of building customer loyalty. Not all purchasing customers return for your product and services. Collecting their email addresses will help you reach out to them later and encourage them to repeat their purchase. Such emails are already verified and save plenty of time in email address validation.


Grab more data through contests and plays


Running a contest or play is among the most persuasive methods of appending email lists. These are exciting tools that attract significant new subscribers. You can easily host a contest using various tools. Keep the entry process short and provide an enticing prize at the end. Do not forget to set a time limit to create a sense of urgency and promote the event on your social media and website.


Utilize the power of social media and related websites


In the present day and age, nothing is more powerful than social media. These platforms are increasingly getting the center stage for email marketing as well. Businesses are gaining incredibly by leveraging their social following and reaching out to other industries and businesses through social media.


Approach your followers


Your social media accounts are a pool of people who are already interested in your content and business offerings. You can leverage this large audience to expand the email marketing list. However, you will need to make a little effort for data scrubbing and email verification to ensure that your list has all authentic addresses.


Create forms on your Facebook pages and encourage signups


Not every visitor of your social media accounts needs to be taken to the website for capturing email addresses. You can easily create forms there can have your users subscribe instantly. For instance, add your email software with Facebook to receive email updates. You can encourage signing up on these forms with an enticing witty tweet.


Trust social marketing


You can find ad formats of Facebook and LinkedIn that are specially designed to assist email marketing. These features allow you to play and test images, videos, and GIFs to create ads that resonate with the audience the best.


Invest in advertising through your YouTube channel


Often considered as a simple video repository, YouTube has a lot of potential in capturing email addresses. You can use any of the several ways it provides to add calls-to-action in the video or put them in the about section of the video. Being among the top sources of information used in searches, YouTube can add significantly to your email list.


Write cross-industry blogs and cross-promote lists


Now that you have reached all your potential customers, it’s time to explore the blind spot. Cross-industry blogs give you a chance to reach the audience that you would have missed otherwise and gained new subscribers. You can also keep multiple lists and cross-promote them to enhance the reach of every offer and marketing campaign.


Entrust professional email appending services for authentic data appending


Professional service providers bizprospex can be a boon to email marketing campaigns, especially for B2B businesses. These companies provide expert services including data scrubbing services, data appending, multi-language CRM, skip tracing services, market research, Business appending information, phone appending servicesdata mining services, etc. With their deep understanding of sales and outreach, they craft specific solutions to ensure perfection in lead generation. These companies are not essentially email list sellers. Rather they dig deep and mine relevant data and double verify before you use it. Putting all the necessary information together they simplify and accelerate your email marketing and ensure great ROI from it.


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