The most well-thought-of and planned email marketing initiatives will fall short if they don’t reach the desired inboxes. You need to enhance your inbox email deliverability to make sure the proper audience is looking at your advertising campaigns. Unfortunately, ensuring email deliverability can be challenging. 

Despite your best efforts your emails may not end up in the intended inboxes due to reasons you may not even be aware of. This article serves as a primer to understanding inbox placements and suggests a modus operandi to increase inbox placement rates.


Understanding the difference between delivery rates and deliverability


The most well-thought-of and planned email marketing initiatives will fall short if they don’t reach the desired inboxes. You need to enhance your inbox email deliverability to make sure the proper audience is looking at your advertising campaigns. Unfortunately, ensuring email deliverability can be challenging. 

Despite your best efforts your emails may not end up in the intended inboxes due to reasons you may not even be aware of. This article serves as a primer to understanding inbox placements and suggests a modus operandi to increase inbox placement rates.

The percentage of emails sent to your subscribers that actually make it to their inboxes is known as the delivery rate. This value only accounts for emails that did not bounce and were successfully delivered to either the inbox or spam folder. But it does not tell if it ended up in the inbox or spam folder. While the deliverability is indicative of whether or not the recipient actually received your email in their inbox. This is also synonymous with the term “inbox placement”.


In brief;

Delivery rate: the rate at which your emails are delivered to a recipient, non-indicative of Inbox or Spam folders.

Deliverability: the number that indicates how many emails were received in an Inbox also known as inbox placement.


Why is there an important difference between these two metrics?


Despite the fact that a large number of emails appear to be delivered and your delivery rate may appear to be excellent, the main factor you should take into account is where the emails were delivered and their deliverability. Reaching an inbox (inbox placement) is the most crucial component of an email marketing campaign. Numerous factors contribute to email deliverability. Sender reputation remains paramount, alongside the quality of email content, proper sender authentication through mechanisms like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, subscriber engagement levels, and the hygiene of the subscriber list itself. High engagement rates, including opens, clicks, and replies, played a crucial role in determining inbox placement. Email service providers often favor emails from senders with strong engagement metrics, deeming them more relevant and valuable to recipients.

Enhancing deliverability hinges on data quality. It’s a pivotal factor influencing email deliverability. Email Service Providers (ESPs) will block accounts with high unsubscribe or complaint rates, or those persistently sending to non-existent addresses. At LeadsProspex, we excel in data validation services, detecting and rectifying anomalies within your data, and replacing inaccuracies with fresh, refined information to optimize deliverability.


Importance of Data Quality


It is a common consensus among marketers that the quality of data is one of the most vital reasons for the low response rate of a data-driven campaign. Since data forms a critical resource for any organization, the quality of the same influences various business decisions.

Invalid email addresses prohibit your sales and marketing emails from reaching desired inboxes. Additionally, they ruin your sender’s reputation by labeling your domain and email communications as spam. Efficient email validation and verification increase deliverability, and email open rate and decrease spam complaints and unsubscribes.

The effectiveness of your sales and marketing initiatives depends on email validation. If you don’t validate often, you are exacerbating the degradation of your email lists. B2B email lists deteriorate at 22.5% every year on average. It implies that your well-designed sales and marketing pitch won’t make it into your potential client’s inbox. Each undelivered email hurts your revenues and dents your sender’s reputation.

Validation and verification of email lists protect your B2B email campaigns against the impacts of mailing list deterioration. Email address validation and verification enhance the ROI of your email lists, ensuring that every communication is sent to the proper address. Email validation also guarantees that mistakes are repaired, and bad email addresses are eliminated or rectified in real time before they reach your database. The ultimate result of robust email validation processes is an improvement in deliverability metrics. Validating addresses ensures that emails effectively land in the intended recipients’ inboxes, fostering higher open rates, increased click-through rates, and overall superior engagement metrics.

Even though, often misinterpreted to mean the same, data validation & verification are two different data quality tools that serve to keep the data list healthy.


Understanding Data Validation & Data Verification


Data Validation is a mostly automated process, data validation evaluates the pattern of data input. For example, an email would be authenticated with this pattern or a date 25/05/2012 despite the exact date being 25/06/2012. In this instance, data users must recognize that data validation might not resolve all potential issues.

Data Verification; While data validity tests for logical correctness, verification verifies the accuracy of the data. As part of this process for customer data verification, telephonic or email verification is frequently used. However, an employee may also confirm the information to make sure it’s still the appropriate method of communication when a consumer calls your call center or visits your store.


Why are Validation and Verification important?


Updating the data is as crucial as gathering fresh data. According to research, data degrades by approximately 25% per year. It can be due to a change in employment responsibilities, phone numbers, a new employer, or the usage of another ISP. A planned verification procedure is advised for a healthy data record. If your database has a bounce rate of more than 10%, it might create a risk in email deliverability. For instance, valid email addresses might begin to bounce. This might damage the email-sending reputation and perhaps could lead to the blacklisting of the IP.

Fewer emails reaching your recipient’s inbox are one of the largest impediments to the success of your marketing initiatives. Also, with the rising usage of email marketing techniques, the difficulties have increased significantly. Email marketing tools separate emails into soft and hard bounces. Such systems immediately stop client efforts that achieve specific amounts of hard bounces. For certain technologies, a mere 3% of incorrect email IDs are sufficient for a delivery halt. Whereas, some tools automatically block the client’s account by simply importing a B2B database with bounces. It undermines your email marketing and damages the ROI of your campaign.

Successful email validation lowers your bounce rate by 98% and aids in keeping your sender score high. By avoiding sending emails to invalid users, you’ll save money, consequently boosting your revenue. And most importantly you’ll have a significantly higher conversion rate, as you will be able to send your campaign emails to the right email addresses.

In essence, email verification and validation ensure data quality which consequently ensures the hygiene of the data list.

Also read: The Functions of Email List Verifier
Importance Of Bulk Email Verification


The positive effects of validating and verifying data


Valid and verified email address lists provide a stronger IP and domain reputation of the sender, enhance email deliverability, and therefore significantly increase the chances of marketing success. Automated email validation systems verify addresses for active and dead endings before sending out the emails in a campaign.


Automated systems, like our Data Validation services at BizProspex, ensure active addresses, freeing your sales team to focus on sales and client communication, not data entry.

Keeping a hygiene list can improve;




It is one of the most prevalent pain points of an email marketer. They are continuously attempting to investigate ways to increase the deliverability of their email messages. Having 1% of bad data on your list might lower your deliverability rate by nearly 10%.




While email service providers charge you for every email sent, you also need to pay for undelivered emails, even though they do not make it to the inbox. – Interaction with customers: According to Jupiter Research, more than 20 percent of email registrations contain typos, grammar, domain, and other issues. As part of a marketing effort, every email sent out is a financial outlay. There are several related fees, especially if you are utilizing powerful third-party email campaign technologies. While the expenditures may appear small at a small level, they can climb dramatically for bulk operations. So, a marketing email that hits a dead-end or non-existent email address directly hurts your bottom line and ROI. Frequent verification and validation can enhance the chances of interactions with your potential customer.


Reputation with ISPs:


There is often a debate over ISPs banning many organizations that were not spammers, but the ones that did not employ the best practices. Keeping up the reputation with ISPs is vital for an email marketer. Sending a mail to an outdated list might cause your IP to be blocked and cause your bounce rate to go beyond the threshold, endangering the reputation of your company. A high bounce rate can also get you banned by email providers, hurting your brand credibility. Emails delivered to inboxes with no errors show the excellent reputation you hold with email service providers.


Marketing costs:


A marketing decision based on the insights derived from unclean data could drive strategies in the wrong direction. Reaching out to a quality list of customers yields better results justifying the marketing spend.


Data insights:


Analytical operations for campaigns executed on non-validated email lists offer misleading findings. The data, trends, and patterns that are produced are untrustworthy and incorrect. Instead, marketing analytics based on verified email lists produce outcomes you can trust. They give you the correct insights to execute your next email marketing campaign or generate superior consumer profiles.


In conclusion, today businesses can’t rely solely on subscriber-provided email updates. Robust email marketing demands bulk validation and verification solutions. LeadsProspex’s expertise in email appending ensures the best engagement channel and top ROI. Incorrect addresses pose risks from domain reputation to ROI loss. Trusting validation experts ensures a strong sender reputation, consistent deliverability, and engaged audiences.


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