

When we talk about the most vulnerable areas of income and finances, business appears in the top tier of the list. The conditions of various businesses are undergoing rapid changes, and numerous businesses are finding it difficult to adjust. As a result of this failure in adjustment, numerous businesses are perishing halfway. Modern times might have brought immense development, but it came with its share of vulnerabilities along. The area of businesses now faces greater competition, with new businesses and start-ups raising its head every other day.


Just like the implementation of modern technology made the business process a little complex, it also increased the horizon of opportunities for the businesses. Now you can conduct transactions worldwide and sell your product anywhere, as against earlier times of simple local presence.


Email marketing is now the call of the day, where various businesses try to promote their products and services to prospective customers for better b2b lead generation. Every business requires an email list for marketing so that they target the correct people.


However, numerous businesses find it difficult to track the emails they should target. Here comes the relevance of bulk email verification. Bulk email verification refers to a popular tool among businesses that send emails in bulk. This tool ensures that the email list for marketing consists of all the valid emails so that your b2b lead generation efforts do not go in vain. Various firms provide bulk email verification services through the use of cloud desktops.


Let us first try to understand the procedure of bulk email verification before we talk about a few bulk email list verifiers;


Procedure Of Bulk Email Verification


You can only determine whether an email address is valid after it goes through a list of techniques that validates with the help of an internal database and the usage of proprietary algorithms. Once the validation process is over, you will get a clean list of verified emails that will not let your efforts in email marketing go to waste. All the unverified emails will see the path of elimination from the list.


The following process results in a clean list of emails for your business and marketing purposes:


Checking The Syntax Of Email Address


The bulk email verification tools indulge in checking the syntax of emails to remove any email address that underwent improper formatting. Such checks take place according to the strict regulations levied by IETF.


Checking The MX records Or Domain


When the part of checking MX records or domains comes into the frame, it involves the procedure of verifying the DNX entries of various email addresses. When the email list verifiers find an email with an unidentified domain or with a missing MX entry, the particular email gets a mark of being invalid.


Detection Of Accounts Based On Role


When you send emails to accounts such as admin, postmaster, sales, info, etc., with a particular role, this brings down the effect of your delivery and can even lead to your inclusion in denial lists in some ISPs. This particular procedure is for detecting and marking such emails.


Detection Of Disposable Email Addresses


This particular process involves the collection of various disposable and throwaway emails that act as junk collectors, along with the processing of the same. These are emails created temporarily to create sign-up forms and log-in forms that seek to gather valid emails.


Detection Of Spam Traps


It is where all the spam email addresses, honey traps, blacklisted emails, and diverse email addresses create bogusly. The email verifiers check the emails with the verified lists to determine which one is a spam email. Following detection, such email gets removed.


Finding Out The DNSBLs and URI DNSBLs For The Purpose Of Blacklisting


A blackhole list based on DNS (DNSBL) or a Real-time Blackhole List (RBL) refers to a list of IP addresses for the sole purpose of spamming. Consequently, a URI DNBSL list refers to a DNBSL that makes a list of the emails found in a list of email addresses but not as a part of legitimate email addresses. The email address goes through a check against premarked DNSBLs and URI DNSBLs to find the spam ones.


Final Stage Of Verification


The last of detection indulge in performing a deeper level of SMTP verifications on every email address. Here the software sends a fake email to find the existence of the mailbox, despite not sending any mail to the mailbox.


Now that you know the stages of bulk email verification, you must understand how it performs. Following is an example of a bulk email verifier that will help you understand things better;




Wahleads is one the best bulk email verification tool that numerous top business professionals trust without a second thought. When you use Wahleads, it automatically starts the process of finding emails and propels your goal of b2b lead generation via the creation of a list of prospective emails within a matter of a few minutes. You just need to move to the search bar of Wahleads, following which you have to install Wahleads free chrome plug-in. There you have to type the name of the company or prospect and opt for searching. This bulk email finder will give a list of emails with all the possible personal details.


LeadsProspex Email Verification


LeadsProspex email verification features among the top bulk email verification services reflect an accuracy rate of 98%. This particular email verification tool follows a human approach to ensure that the accuracy is close to perfect. This bulk email verification service adds to the sharpness of your email marketing by eliminating all unauthorized addresses.


The above information will give you enough information to develop an idea about bulk email verification. If you are a business owner, you need such verification to avert the chances of your email marketing failing. Opt for services provided by, which offers the best email marketing and verification services to propel your b2b lead generation to greater heights.


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