As per the survey on the job search methods of US adults by the Pew Research Center, nearly 54% of Americans have used the Internet to collect information about jobs. Around 45% have utilized Online services to apply for jobs. This is indeed double the number found by Pew in 2005 when 26% of Americans stated that they had utilized the online opportunity to search for a job. 


Scraping job postings have become fundamental because who wants to get accurate data relevant to jobs? Everyone is looking to grow in this competitive business world and demands up-to-date data like job posting date, job title, company name, area, job type, and salary range to make a valuable prediction and analyze the market. LeadsProspex is a leading jobs feed data service provider which offers cutting-edge jobs data posted across the USA in your desired format. They mine approximately 1M jobs data posted across the USA and deliver data into Amazon S3 or Google drive. 


Read on to know more about jobs feed data USA and how it will benefit you.


What is Jobs feed data?


Finding the latest jobs data for accurate prediction and analysis can be as difficult as identifying the water source in the middle of a desert. Several websites and social media networks post jobs and offer employment options, out of which Indeed and LinkedIn are some of the top-ranked job posting websites. As per the recent report, currently, there are 16 million jobs posted online. 


Here are some of the ways to make the most out of jobs feed data:


  • Offering new job data to aggregator sites.
  • Data is gathered in order to analyze job trends and the labor market.
  • Tracking vacant positions, compensations, and benefits plans to get a major competitive advantage.
  • Obtaining leads by promoting your service to organizations hiring for similar roles.
  • Staffing firms crawl job boards to keep the latest job listings.


Who Can Utilize Job Scraping Services?


A lot of industries and companies use jobs data. Let’s understand which are the top users that benefit from jobs feed data USA.


HR Agencies:


  • In the HR market, job feed data has a lot of potentials. HR agencies and service companies are known to have up-to-date job listings and accurate industry data to attract new clients and retain the existing ones.
  • Moreover, an HR agency also helps hundreds of firms in their hiring process, so it is essential to have up-to-date data about the industry’s job profiles, salary ranges, and many more things. HR businesses can utilize jobs feed data to get the latest job posts that are both location-specific and sector-specific. LeadsProspex enables HR agencies to get deeper insights into a particular company’s hiring pattern with its 100% accurate jobs feed data. Try your free sample today!


Companies/Startups looking to Expand:


  • If you’re a startup or thinking of an expansion, you need talented staff for different posts. However, job boards are not sufficient and reliable in such cases since you have your specific needs concerning each position. In that case, scraping job data will help you know the availability of talented employees and help you determine various factors of that post, such as job description, salary range, and work hours as per the competitive companies in the industry. Hence, it keeps you on a winning advantage.


Online Job Boards:


  • Job boards are a kind of online job platform that provides two key services – for the job seekers and the employers. Job seekers may upload their resumes on different online job board sites and look for online job offers. 
  • In contrast, employers can upload the job openings to make them noticeable on a portal and check the resumes of all the candidates. Besides job postings, the job boards collect data about company profiles, job descriptions, and employee profiles.
  • Job data scrapping can be very helpful for online job boards. These companies must use jobs feed data USA services to survive and succeed in this industry. Job posting scraping can be used for online job boards and niche job boards that target more job-specific vacancies and positions. A reliable jobs feed data scraping service provider like LeadsProspex can offer you the latest data to analyze and post on the website to make your data relevant, helpful, and up-to-date for job seekers and employers as well.



What are the benefits of jobs feed data services?



You need data to be onboard to survive in this cut-throat world. Here are some of the benefits of jobs feed data service for your business:


Assured Success:


  • You will never go wrong with job scraping advantages. When the data is easily accessible, you’ll undoubtedly be able to use it. With a reliable data crawling service provider, job data scraping is guaranteed to succeed.


Reliable and Well-Organized:


  • The key target for any online job board is to provide sufficient job posts. Reliability is the key to success, especially for jobs feed data. Organizing regular jobs feed data will keep the data accurate and well-organized. Insufficient job posts also mean that no job seekers will visit your site, leading to inadequate service delivery.
  • For any HR agency, being organized and consistent with the given data ensures that companies get back for more relevant job postings or company profiles.


Relevant Data:


  • With jobs feed data USA benefits, you will always get relevant and up-to-date information. It is right for all businesses involved in the job postings, regardless of whether you’re an online job board or an HR agency. Obtaining the latest job posts is essential for your efficiency and success. In the competitive technology age, you won’t be able to survive if you’re not open-minded.


Cost Saving:


  • Jobs feed data is essential and can be expensive to acquire, and manually gathering this data can cost even more. However, efficient jobs feed data USA services from a reputed service provider like LeadsProspex saves time, energy, and money. It provides brands with the required data they need and lets their resources invest in other business areas.
  • The most promising jobs data scraping technologies require no regular maintenance by the superior company. They have all technical issues handled by the jobs feed data service providers, such as LeadsProspex.



Why Outsource Job Scraping to A Data Scraping Service?


To get the maximum benefits from the efficient and effective data scrapping services for various job listings across the USA, you’ll need highly-skilled and experienced partners who can logically organize all the data. Here are some of the fundamental reasons that a jobs feed data service from a reputed service provider like LeadsProspex can help you:


  • Imagine going through thousands of websites for each job posting manually. Seems exhausting? It actually is! No wastage of money and time now! LeadsProspex’s Jobs feed data service will efficiently help you with all the industry-specific job listings. We mine approximately 1M jobs data monthly with key attributes such as date of a job posting, title, job type, area, city, and salary range. Try your free sample today!
  • Hiring an in-house jobs data scraper can be expensive for any organization. LeadsProspex – a professional job posting scraping service provider gets the latest job postings from reliable, up-to-date, and accurate databases. 
  • A jobs feed data service will help you find open positions with value-added information from the needed corporate career websites and job boards, such as seniority, category, skills, and more.


A jobs feed data scraping service will provide you web scraping service from any website that allows crawlers lawfully.




The dynamics have changed more in the COVID-19 pandemic.  Jobs listing data and jobs feed data have become an integral part of today’s working environment, with everything being conducted online. Several case studies show how organizations all across the globe scrape job postings to fuel their operations and grow their business.


Given the high importance of web scraping, an adequately customized jobs feed data service is the one that can give you a competitive edge by allowing you to exploit job-related data for your firm. The jobs feed data USA services from LeadsProspex is precisely what you need. 


Contact us today to learn more!


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